Company Statement - Clarification on misinformation regarding PIL’s rumoured bankruptcy
14 April 2020

Company Statement

Clarification on misinformation regarding PIL’s rumoured bankruptcy

Recently, there have been rumours circulating on social media, making false claims about a potential bankruptcy of Pacific International Lines (“PIL”). PIL would like to clarify that these rumours are totally false and the information and content derived therefrom are unfounded.

We urge the public not to spread such fake news and misinformation. PIL reserves the right to pursue legal actions against those who generate and spread these defamatory rumours during this COVID-19 pandemic period and related false information after this statement.

Incorporated in 1967, PIL has grown to one of the world’s top 10 containership operators and is the largest shipowner in Southeast Asia.

As the (COVID-19) situation in China continues to improve, PIL and all our China subsidiaries have fully resumed operations on 9th March. PIL has been making steady progress and is currently actively preparing for a strong rebound after the epidemic.

In the face of an increasingly complex and uncertain global market environment, PIL has remained resilient by embarking on a service rationalisation which will focus our efforts on key liner markets in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Oceania and South America. Our strategic business integration has enabled us to be well-positioned in capturing market opportunities brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and moving forward, PIL will continue to strengthen our leading position in the North-South routes.

Meanwhile, since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, PIL has actively stepped up to aid the epidemic fight in China and around the world. Together with our subsidiaries, PIL has rallied our resources to ensure smooth transportation of various essential goods, as well as emergency and anti-epidemic supplies to China. Singamas, a subsidiary of PIL, has also successfully developed the first mobile container nucleic acid testing laboratory as well as mobile CT cabin for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in China, to help control the epidemic. At the same time, Singamas has donated 50 units of customised container cabins to aid the local frontline staff in their combat against the Outbreak.

With the introduction of various global quantitative easing programmes and the strong development of BRI, we believe the next few years will be an excellent opportunity for PIL to participate in any market upside.

PIL would like to take this opportunity to thank all local governments, industry peers, business partners and media for their long-term support. Going forward, PIL will continue to strive to bring quality services to our customers.







面对复杂多变的国内外市场环境,集团沉着应对、砥砺前行。一方面,集团优 化布局,战略性整合业务,把握“一带一路”带来的机遇,集中发展亚洲、中东、非洲、大洋洲和南美等班轮市场,巩固集团在南北航线上的领导地位。

另一方面,集团整合全公司之力,抢运各类应急物资,努力为中国及全球抗疫 做出贡献。集团子公司胜狮集团更成功研发国内首台集装箱移动式核酸检测实验 室和移动CT方舱,助力疫情防控。同时,旗下的惠州胜狮能源装备有限公司捐 赠50个“爱心方舱”,守护关爱当地一线防疫工作人员。

随着全球新的货币量化宽松政策陆续出台,加上“一带一路”的强势发展, 未来二、三年将是太平船务发挥优势的绝佳机会!太平船务感谢同业,金融机构, 媒体和业务合作伙伴长期以来对集团的厚爱,也感谢政府为抗击疫情、恢复经济给航运企业提供的各类政策扶持补贴和关注。我们将继续奋勇拼搏,不辜负各方友好对集团的支持!